The CCaaS and UC market:
Today there are literally hundreds of cloud telephony solution providers, including CCaaS (cloud contact center as a solution) and UC (unified communications) all with different and unique features and functionality aimed at “improving the customer experience” and “enhancing employee engagement” The features are extensive, and after a while, all solutions begin to look the same!
So which solution is “right” for you? Do you have time to perform extensive research to find the “best fit” for your company or entity? How do you know if the solution you pick will “deliver”?

Utilizing my 6 step methodology, I will assist you in finding the “best fit” solution for your organization:

Assist in documenting all of the current and future-state feature/functionality and desired outcomes from all stakeholders, and build a baseline for evaluation
Based on your requirements, I study the market and will suggest 2 to 3 solutions that you should consider, that most match your requirements
I will assist in arranging information sessions, demo’s, pilots, with the selected solutions and all internal stakeholders, keeping meticulous notes on all questions and open items
I will prepare a feature functionality chart, and a pricing comparison matrix so that you are comparing “apples to apples” in a side by side fashion.
I assist in preparing business case/TCO and ROI documents for gaining final (executive) buy in and approval to proceed, as well as assisting in negotiating pricing and terms of use
I am a resource throughout the deployment process, in insuring the solution delivers on all of the expectations that were set in the “Review” phase

Cloud telephony solutions are the first step in a digital transformation journey: dramatically improving the experience of your customers and constituents, and driving efficiency gains and synergies in improved employee engagement.

The Outcome
CloudCom Advisors will help you select the “best fit” solution, giving you the peace of mind that your project and the selected solution will deliver on your desired objectives.
Also by relying on CloudCom Advisors' extensive experience, you and your organization will save countless hours researching, and vetting solutions, allowing you to focus on your primary mission: running your company!
Cloud Telephony Solutions For Every Need
All CCaaS and UC solution providers pay firms like CCA a management consulting fee and commission when assisting firms like yours in selecting CCaaS and UC technology.
The bottom line is my services to you are 100% WITHOUT CHARGE. Essentially I am an extension of your operations and IT team, at no cost!